

MapNottingham is a collaborative project between Nottingham Trent University, Sneinton Alchemy and Carington Tenants and Residents Association. Our main objective is to identify and open a debate about architecture as material culture and symbol of local identity. We believe that this can be achieved through research that shapes lives and society, working in close collaboration with local communities. We observe the city not only as buildings, but as a place of collective relations, historical layers, flows, movements, emotions, political and social activity. Therefore, we are mapping Nottingham's identity by trying to synchronise the history, bringing to life forgotten memories and creating new ones, and thus inspiring people to shape their futures. Through variety of public experiments, meetings, interviews and other forms of public engagement we are exploring how people identify themselves with the built environment. We want to generate public value through the identification with places, and support their potential through the use of architecture and design.

This year, MapNottingham is focused on two neighbourhoods, Carrington and Sneinton. 
In each neighbourhood we are starting with a research phase (using various design and social research techniques to get to know the area and locals), planning spatial interventions, and finally implementing them. It is an open process where barriers between experts, students and laymen, as well as 'strangers' and 'locals' disappear, and where everything is a result of co-creation of knowledge. We don't have a plan nor the agenda. We just want to listen, and have a nice conversation.

We are also working with West Bridgford Infant School, please read more about it here.
Final exhibition will be organised in Nottingham Central Library in September 2016.

Project participants:

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