Mapping Nottingham’s Identity is an initiative that aims to bring together all those involved with Nottingham and its public spaces. This year we are interested in questioning what heritage is, whether it is tangible, intangible or digital, and how it supports (or not) our sense of belonging.
Participation lies at the heart of this project. Anyone can participate: there is no agenda or predetermined outcome. We offer an inclusive and flexible platform to listen, discuss and share different points of view and engagement with Nottingham, its heritage, and your sense of belonging.
Mapping is an essential tool to discover and to present visually how people understand and feel about Nottingham and beyond. We have used this method in different contexts and with diverse audiences, as you can see in the first part of the exhibition. The second part is devoted to an on-going project with the community of Carrington, where we are co-designing an enhanced Selkirk Way. The third part of the exhibition is about you: please share your thoughts and feelings, and help map Nottingham’s identity!
This exhibition is a construction site: we are building it together in each workshop, sharing our own memories, reflections and experiences.
Many thanks for participating and contributing to the conversation and exhibition!
Ana Souto, curator
December 2017
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